19 jan. 2010

Master mind

Ruby Teusday Red always, red.

For me this game can take NIGHT and DAY!!! the todays meme at Two 4 Teusday

The game is played using:
a decoding board, with a shield at one end covering a row of four large holes, and twelve (or ten, or eight) additional rows containing four large holes next to a set of four small holes;
code pegs of six (or more; see Variations below) different colors, with round heads, which will be placed in the large holes on the board; and
key pegs, some colored (often black), some white, which are flat-headed and smaller than the code pegs; they will be placed in the small holes on the board.

The two players decide in advance how many games they will play, which must be an even number. One player becomes the codemaker, the other the codebreaker. The codemaker chooses a pattern of four code pegs. Duplicates are allowed, so the player could even choose four code pegs of the same color. The chosen pattern is placed in the four holes covered by the shield, visible to the codemaker but not to the codebreaker.

The codebreaker tries to guess the pattern, in both order and color, within twelve (or ten, or eight) turns. Each guess is made by placing a row of code pegs on the decoding board. Once placed, the codemaker provides feedback by placing from zero to four key pegs in the small holes of the row with the guess. A colored (often black) key peg is placed for each code peg from the guess which is correct in both color and position. A white peg indicates the existence of a correct color peg placed in the wrong position.

Once feedback is provided, another guess is made.
You can read more at . Wikipedia

Starting in 1973, the game box featured a photograph of a well-dressed, distinguished-looking white man seated in the foreground, with an attractive Asian woman standing behind him. The two amateur models (Bill Woodward and Cecilia Fung) reunited in June 2003 to pose for another publicity photo.

With four pegs and six colors, there are 64 = 1296 different patterns.

If you are a "Master mind" yourself take some help out of this;

Five-guess algorithm
In 1977, Donald Knuth demonstrated that the codebreaker can solve the pattern in five moves or fewer, using an algorithm that progressively reduced the number of possible patterns.[2] The algorithm works as follows:
The first guess is aabb.
Calculate which possibilities (from the 1296) would give the same score of colored and white pegs if they were the answer. Remove all the others.
For each possible guess (not necessarily one of the remaining possibilities) and for each possible colored/white score, calculate how many possibilities would be eliminated. The score of the guess is the least of such values. Play the guess with the highest score (minimax).
Go back to step 2 until you have got it right.

GOOD LUCK, it a fun game!

Color Carnival